Frequently Asked Questions
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I have registered my machine but I did not receive an email confirmation.
We do not issue an email acknowledgement, however as long as the screen confirmed your machine had been registered, your details will be stored in our registration database. All you need to do now is to keep your proof of purchase, as this will be required in the event you need to make a warranty claim.
Where do I find the rating label on my hover lawnmower?
On a hover non- collect machine, this is normally located on a silver rating label on the motor cover
On the Hover Vac range and Glider Compact, the grass collection box should be removed and the silver rating label is normally located on the back of the machine
On the EasiGlide range, the silver rating label is usually located on the side of the machine.
Where do I find the rating label on my wheeled rotary lawnmower?
The grass collection box should be removed and the rating label is normally located on the back of the machine.
Why does my machine not hover?
When starting the machine, it should be tilted slightly to allow the air to circulated under the deck giving it a lift. If your lawn feels “spongy” underfoot, this is as a result of a build up of thatch and moss which causes the machine to be sucked down onto the lawn, preventing it from hovering. This can be remedied by scarifying the lawn.
Why does my hover machine not collect all of the clippings
The lawnmower is designed to suck airborne clippings from under the lawnmower through a hole in the base of the grass box using the air flow created by the rotation of the impeller and blade. A percentage of the finer clippings are recycled and fed back into the lawn. For best collection, we would recommend you push your machine forward in a straight line not backwards and forwards or from side to side.
Why does my hover machine blow grass onto the patio or borders?
The lawnmower is supported on a cushion of air and any breaks is that air cushion (over borders or pavement) will cause the clippings to spray out. The best solution is to mow around the edge of a lawn in a clockwise direction, then any clippings will be directed into the centre of the lawn.
Can I add extra spacers to my hover machine as I would like it to cut lower?
Please refer to your user manual. For safety reasons only the stipulated number of spacers can be added to your machine.
The nylon line on my trimmer keeps breaking
Please ensure that genuine Flymo trimmer line is being used. Frequent line breakage is usually the result of the cutting head being taken too close to objects i.e walls, paving edges etc. The cutting line must be allowed to rotate freely and the correct diameter line should be used.
The line wont feed out on my trimmer – It breaks and retracts inside the housing
Please ensure that the line has been removed from the storage notches in the spool. These are used for packaging purposes only and the line should be freed when setting up.
How should I store my Lithium Ion batteries during the winter?
Below you can find a link which explains how Lithium ion batteries should be stored during the winter: