Flymo Hover Lawnmowers - Frequently asked questions
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Not all hover mowers are designed to collect grass, some purely cut the grass and are designed to be highly manoeuvrable and easy to use, with the freedom to cut in any and all directions.
Hover lawnmowers float on a cushion of air expelled out from under the cutting deck, which means some clippings may be blown away from the mower, however, models that collect, do so by vacuuming grass clippings through the chute at the rear base of the grass box. For this reason, when using a collecting hover, you need to cut in straight lines to ensure the chute picks up the grass which is left behind the mower as you cut.
Hover collect mowers pick up the majority of grass clippings, however, some finer clippings can be blown out with an air cushion used to give the hover lift. Typically the mower will drop and collect grass from the rear right-hand side of the mower, so to minimise clippings blowing into paths or borders cutting in a clockwise direction around the edge will blow any loose clippings into the centre of the lawn where you can collect late with the lawnmower by passing over the top.
There is typically one of two ways to change the cutting height on your hover mower, depending on the model you own. This is either via a central height adjustment lever found on the side of the lawnmower, or by adding or removing spacers between the lawnmowers blade and cutting deck.
Please consult your instructions for guidance before attempting to adjust the height of the cut on your lawnmower.